Welcome to my little slice of the internet!
I'm a 2nd year at Northeastern University studying computer engineering. This semester, I'm an Electrical & Computer Engineer at Generate.
I'm always looking to meet and connect with new people! Feel free to reach out to my email.
3 Stones is an app for accessible real estate investing, allowing individuals to invest directly in development projects with minimal capital. I was one of the tech leads for this project - I led a team of 6 engineers, ensuring effective communication and coordination with leadership and design teams. In addition, I architected our backend and database schema, and developed our project details and project investment screens.
Technologies: Go, Supabase, PostgreSQL, Plaid, TypeScript, React Native
RepositoryStudent Activity Calendar is an app for club and event marketing at Northeastern. As an engineer for this project, I built out endpoints using Go and PostgreSQL; built a hybrid search feature for clubs and events using PostgreSQL FTS and OpenAI Embeddings; and built the search and explore screens with React Native, TypeScript, and Expo.
Technologies: Go, Supabase, PostgreSQL, OpenAI Embeddings API, TypeScript, React Native
RepositoryRita is an audio graph editor built using Rust, Tauri, and CPAL. I implemented nodes for audio I/O, processing, and synthesis; and a sound compiler and playback system for performant and smooth audio playback.
Technologies: Rust, Tauri, CPAL
Oceanman is a 3D renderer I built from scratch to learn graphics programming. Using WebGPU and Rust, I implemented physically-based rendering, image-based lighting, a glTF scene loader, HDR texture support, and post-processing effects (tonemapping and FXAA).
Technologies: Rust, WebGPU